Esme's Webspace

Esme's Webspace

$ curl

Esme ✨


Pronouns: she/her




What I'm all about

Hi! I'm Esme, a techy software developer and CompSci/HCI graduate. I have a bunch of scattered computer-y projects across the tech stack. User-facing projects are my bread and butter with a particular passion towards accessibility. I have some visual quirks which makes this personally meaningful.

In general, my concoctions usually have at least one overly specific, fun and/or ridiculous feature that has no right existing but does anyway. See the above 'terminal' output (if you are able and your browser supports it :p). I like to go the extra mile to incorporate fun and silly things into my personal projects. For intstance, this website has many easter eggs! This is my playground for all things chaotic; please, enjoy your stay xD


Humans are weird and the realm of human interests is seemingly infinite. Below are subsets of my interests and disinterests (Is this even a word? If not; it should be!)


  • Free, ethical, and open source software
  • Video game modding and speedrunning
  • Wetware: channels and sensors, and brains, oh my!
  • OMORI, Zelda, Oneshot, and more recently Pokémon


  • Bad user interfaces :(
  • Unsolicited opinions
  • Macro / Broad / Systemic political discussion
    • Guaranteed to make me feel sad and/or depressed

The Zelda of Legend

Now in ✨ High Definition ✨

A randomizer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. I have poured my efforts into this project for a year after working on the Wii version for even longer. Skyward Sword means a lot to me from my childhood and learning to mod the game has been hugely rewarding. It has helped me through many tough times and has allowed me to hone many development skills.

This project has been my most technically challenging so far. It has truly proven (at least to myself) my abilities as a "full-stack" dev. From the lowest level 64bit ARM assembly to the highest level GUI design to the even higher level of human interaction, I have been at the front of it all.

While you're here, take a look at the trailer I made!

Organised Ice-cream 🍦

Mint Choc Chip Skyblade is currently home to the randomizer for Skyward Sword HD and several modding tools for the game. I currently lead the organisation and its four other members in the modding endeavours into Skyward Sword HD.

I am immensely proud of the 700+ members of the community and of the many GitHub stars that the randomizer has received. All the support has been wonderful and encouraging and I am so grateful for how welcoming the community is. The cozy vibes are more than I could have asked for 🫶

The True Master Sword from Skyward Sword shown horizontally, flipping around occasionally.

Sugar and spice and all things nice

A Link Between Worlds Randomizer Tracker

An item, gear and soon to be location tracker for the ALBW randomizer . Built using React, it can be used with a much larger range of devices than more the traditional Windows desktop applications.

This project exists because I wanted to play the randomizer without needing to either rely on my memory or sit at my desk. It's not a perfect solution (requiring an Internet connection) but it suits my needs better than the alternatives. I might even get to use it casually one day~

Try it out now!


Lifeviewer is an Instagram-esque android app for viewing and filtering lifelogging images. It is written in Java and was created as one part of my final project in university.

Lifelogging is the process of recording one's daily life as a comprehensive dataset of activity. This is typically done with video cameras.

Click to view the Wikipedia page about Lifelogs

SPICA - 🚧 WIP Fork 🚧

SPICA is an experimental H3D tool written in C# by gdkchan. Specifically, this is a fork of a fork of that original project. This version is meant to be used for handling the BCH files that ALBW uses for it's assets.

Currently, it is not feature complete in a way that allows for model editing (the main goal of the project). At some point in the future, I may add a webpage here describing the key parts of the project that need to be modified or implemented in order for this tool to be useful for the ALBW modding community.


I.A.N. (or Project I.A.N.) is a predictive application launcher for Linux written in Python and BASH. It matches app launch frequency with the hour of launch by using mathematical sets.

I wrote this project in 2017 and there is a lot that I would change now. Despite that, I still have a soft spot in my heart for this project. It uses a custom algorithm to map the hours of the day on to a set of 24 discrete items for statistical analysis. There's something about spending hours manipulating sets using a wipeboard on my bedroom wall that really excited my neurons.

I wouldn't recommend anyone actually try using this application but I like it enough to keep it around after all these years.

Locating the elusive

Going Global

I was born (and still live) in the UK. For half of the year, I get to live in the objectively* best timezone: GMT (and it's evil twin BST) ;p

Unfortunately, the clacks haven't found there way to my neck of the woods yet. As a result, please consult the next section for alternatives.

*(there are no good timezones - we are all trapped by the sun's orbit and the chaos that brings 🔥🔥🔥)

The Interwebs

For the humble stranger wishing to contact me, my email is the place to start. You can reach me at :)

For those more familiar with who I am, you can find me on Discord as covenesme :p

Odds and Ends

Wait, no JavaScript?!?!

For a relatively simple website like this, there is no reason why it couldn't be created using only HTML and CSS. Not only that, it creates a fun challenge to see what silly things I can create under this restriction!

Philosophically speaking, I think that JavaScript is over used in places where it shouldn't be. As a reasonably privacy and security conscious person, I don't have JavaScript enable by default on my web browsers. So many websites simply load a blank page if JavaScript isn't an option - making them completely inaccessible in these cases. This bothers me (perhaps more than it should) so I decided to skip out on using it for my webspace.


For most people, accessibility is that section in the settings menu that has a bunch of weird and strange toggles, dials and sliders. Oh, and it has the dark mode toggle hidden in there for some reason /s. For me, it's a treasure trove of fun and useful features that enhance and improve computer devices.

I've needed glasses since before I was in school. I have an astigmatism and I'm colour deficient (nothing too fun - just deuteranopia). No, you can't try on my glasses but I'll talk to you for ages about cool eye stuff.